Heavy Hitting Demo Hammer – Hitachi H65SB2 Review

Guest review from friend of Direct2Trade Paul McCormack


Hitachi H65SB2
42.0J Heavy Duty Demolition Hammer

Over the Labour weekend I decided to tackle a landscaping project at the back of my property that has been on my mind for about 18 months. The mission was to lay about 900 landscaping blocks and create a low maintenance feature garden along the entire length of my garage. This mean busting up the footpath that ran down the perimeter. With 3 days to complete the project and the concrete demolition being a potential time drain I enlisted the help of the Hitachi H65SB2.

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Cordless Power Tools 101 Pt.2 – Basic Cordless Tool Types

This article is part 2 in the Cordless Power Tools 101 Series. Part 1 covered cordless tool batteries but it is now time to delve into the more commonly used cordless power tools available. I will cover 5 of the most common cordless tool types and explain their purpose and features but lets start by getting this out the way early on:

“If you serious about your tools, in the trade or a serious DIY’er you cant get away by just getting any old ‘cordless’ and hoping for the best” Continue reading