Help Us Shape The Future of Direct2Trade

What is the Direct2Trade point of difference and what do you want it to be?


I’ve been racking my brain over the last week or so wondering about many things. One of them is around our point of difference when compared to our competitors. To me this is a challenging topic as, to be honest on the surface it’s hard to see. So I thought I’d run through what I think it is and then let you tell me what you think it is and most importantly what you want it to be.

What is the Current Direct2Trade Point of Difference?

When I started Direct2Trade the goal initially was to take it to the parallel importers of power tools in NZ. My suppliers were constantly commenting on the need for someone in NZ with access to locally sourced product to really give them a shake up. I thought we could give this a real crack considering we’ve got the Wesfarmers Industrial & Safety NZ distribution chain behind us. Our purpose was really to bring parallel import prices on genuine NZ sourced and backed product. I think we’ve achieved this and at the same time really started developing a niche within the construction industry (tell me if I’m wrong please).

To really make this happen we had to go with an online model to cut overheads. Having worked in the online space for a while one of my concerns with this is that feeling you get as a shopper that your dealing with a computer and not a person. I wanted to avoid this as much as possible so pushed to have a phone number to real people available and not outsource a call centre. I beleive one of our strengths is the ability to discuss your product requirements or give you a quote on something we don’t list and get it online for purchase quickly.

“Our website is a tool to order products and nothing else, Our business  is the products we sell and the passion of the people in it “

When you deal with Direct2Trade as a customer you are dealing with myself or Chris Watson. That’s it, we do the orders, load the products on the website , pack the products and answer your queries.

“I wanted to make sure that the experience of dealing with Direct2Trade was as much removed form the general web purchasing experience as possible, to reassure at every step of the way that a real person is here to help”

What is the Future Direct2Trade Point of Difference?

Now a lot of people out there are telling me I need to look at market segments and where we fit compared to the competition but my personal opinion is it is the customer that drives our direction.

You tell us what you want and what you are looking for so why shouldn’t you have a say in what we become?

So here is your chance to have your say.

  • What do you want to see Direct2Trade grow in to?
  • What can we bring to market that helps you or gives you the warm and fuzzies?
  • Would paying a little more for an account interest you?
  • Would paying a little less but waiting longer for product interest you?
  • What other products would you buy from us if they were available on the website?
  • Would you like to see us support local charities or community groups?

We are all ears……..


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